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Laser Vein Removal
Using the 1064 Nd:YAG laser to treat spider veins and broken capillaries on the face, chest, and legs. This specialized laser penetrates deeply into tissue to remove unwanted veins safely and comfortably.
What to expect?
The laser targets the area and zaps the vein or capillary cauterizing its endpoints. This usually results in the blood reabsorbing into the body either immediately or over a month or so period. It feels like a pinch. Sometimes the the bluish veins after being hit with the laser energy can leave a bruising look. This doesn’t happen on the face. Treatment time is 5-15 mins depending on the size of the area. You may need more than one treatment.
What are the benefits?
Reduction or compete removal of unwanted red or blue spider veins and broken capillaries.
Frequently Asked Questions
When treating vascular lesions, the blood temperature at the targeted area is elevated to a level that causes coagulation without damage to the epidermis or surrounding tissue. Because the laser energy is absorbed by melanin in the epidermis as well as the desired target of hemoglobin, the SmartCool system is used to cool and protect the epidermis. Multiple treatments may be necessary to obtain a satisfactory response for some leg veins.
Treatment time is 15 minutes but additional time may be purchased and will vary depending on the number and size of the vessel(s) to be treated.
In many cases, significant improvement is realized in as few as 1 to 3 treatments. In some cases new spider veins may appear, therefore, additional treatments may be necessary. Treatments are at 4-8 week intervals.

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